Publicity and Communications
Review Copies
Media enquiries and requests for review copies should be submitted to the appropriate contact listed below. Please check the book detail pages on this website if you are unsure of a book’s full title, and/or author’s name.
To expedite requests for review copies, please include the book’s title and author name, along with the details of the print, broadcast or online company for which you are working, as well as relevant links to, or copies of, your work and/or information about what types of books you cover, so that we may refresh our publicity database.
Your request will be reviewed in a timely manner; please keep in mind that we cannot fulfil all requests, particularly for older titles.
Please note: we do not send review copies to individual consumers.
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Rotating selections of forthcoming and classic backlist Salt titles are available on NetGalley for booksellers, book trade professionals, educators, librarians, media/journalist reviewers. Visit: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/pub/saltpublishing
Please log in to the service to make a request.
Media enquiries
Kirsty Hamilton-Emery
Email: kirsty@saltpublishing.com
Email: publicity@fmcm.co.uk
Bloggers, booksellers, events and festivals
Kirsty Hamilton-Emery
Email: kirsty@saltpublishing.com
Blogger Guidelines
We regularly send review copies to an active list of literary bloggers and ‘BookTubers’ whom we regard as a vital part of contemporary book culture. If you would like to be added to this list, please provide the following details:
- the name of your blog or YouTube channel and a URL
- a list of the kinds of books you are passionate about
- details of the page views your blog or channel receives
- your contact name and postal address
Send all information to Kirsty.
You can download our latest catalogues here, or simply browse this website – subjects are listed in the left hand column of this page. We provide regular updates on, and teasers for, upcoming titles on Twitter and Facebook. We are happy to provide review copies for backlist titles, too, where these are in print.
Requests for images
If you require high-resolution product images and/or author press photos, please contact Kirsty.