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Shamshad Khan




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“I was blown away by the quality…”

- Aftab Hussain, Peshkar theatre

“Megalomaniac is a beautifully written and performed piece of work. Shamshad Khan intelligently and humorously plays with ideas of fame and identity”

- Geraldine Collinge, Apples and Snakes“

“I’ve been waiting years for Shamshad to publish a sole collection. Here it is at last, a flag in the mountain side of her journey. Read it and savour the view. It is vivid, vivacious and veracious.”

- Lemn Sissay

“When I first saw Shamshad Khan read her poetry I was so moved that I haven’t stopped moving yet. I prayed to the god of poetry that her work would be put into print. Deliverance is sweet.”

- Benjamin Zephaniah

Praise for this Book

‘I’ve been waiting twenty years for Shamshad to publish a sole collection. Here it is at last; a flag in the mountainside of her journey. Read it and savour the view. It is vivid, vivacious and veracious.’ —Lemn Sissay

‘When I first heard Shamshad Khan read her poetry I was so moved that I haven’t stopped moving yet. I prayed to the god of poetry that her work would be put into print. Deliverance is sweet.’ —Benjamin Zephaniah

Reviews of this Book

‘Megalomaniac is a beautifully written and performed piece of work. Shamshad Khan intelligently and humorously plays with ideas of fame and identity.’ —Geraldine Collinge

‘A powerful piece...High quality, beautifully and sensitively performed ... Wicked humour.’ —green room, Manchester

‘I was blown away by the quality of Friday night’s performance...and rate it as one of the best things I have seen all year.’ —Aftab Hussain

‘Amazing.’ —Ra Page

‘... there is no convenient category in which to place Shamshad Khan. Her poetry is delicately worded yet strong in its messages. She presents her work with such physicality that to watch her truly engages the senses.’ —Carmen Walter

‘Shamshad is a committed, convincing and passionate performer and brings the skills of an experienced artist to bear on every element of her shows. I look forward to all her projects as I know that each one marks a growth of ambition and a widening of scope.’ —Chris Gribble

Product Details

Extent: 128pp

Format: Paperback

Publication Date: 15-Jun-07

Publication Status: Active

Series: Salt Modern Poets

Subject: Poetry by individual poets

Trim Size: 216 x 140mm

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